Дослідження нового для вітчизняної психології феномена - персистентності, забезпечення за її допомогою реалізації потенціалу особистості. Персистентність як внутрішня умова організації життєдіяльності людини, регулятор найважливіших моральних цінностей.
Аннотация к работе
Ineoieia?y.Eaiiou?aei ia iniia? neioaco o?einionueeo ?aae I. E. Ineoieia?y. 2014. O. 19. Aei. Ineoieia?y. 2014. O. 19. Aei.
Список литературы
1. Biglov U. S. Passionarnost, L. N. Gumiliov i popitka dialoga s «Gumiliovtsami» [Passionarity, L. N. Gumiliov and attempt of dialogue with «Gumiliovtsami»]. — Elektronniy resurs [Electronic resource]: www.gumilevica.ru.
2. Boiko V. V. Energiya emocij v obschenii: vzgliad na sebia i na drughih [Energy of emotions is in a commonunication: look to itself and on other]. — M.: Filin, 1996. — 472 p.
3. Gumiliov L. N. Etnogenez i problemi etnitcheskoy psihologii [Ethnogenez and problems of ethnic psychology] // Aktualnie problemi etnitcheskoy psihologii [Actual problem of ethnic psychology], 1992. — P. 43-47.
4. Zimina I. S. Diagnostika passionarnosti litchnosti s totchki zreniya psihoanaliza [Diagnostics of passionarity of personality from the point of view of psycho — analysis] // Vestnik psiho-analiza [Herald of psychoanalysis]. — 2010. — No. 1. — P. 23-27.
Oaoiaoia A. A. nieneaoaeu eaoaa?u aeooa?aioeaeuiie e niaoeaeuiie ineoieiaee Iaanneiai iaoeiiaeuiiai oieaa?neoaoa eiaie E. E. Ia?ieeiaa
Tashmatov V. A. competitor of department by a differential and special psychology of the Odessa I. I. Mechnikov national university
The special value is acquired by a desire and ability of personality actively to investigate a novelty and complication of the world that changes constantly, and also create own strategies of behavior and activity, that persistent is the basis of as ability to accumulate and long time retain in itself corresponding internalss. In narrow sense the adjective of persistent is transferred by Ukrainian as «persistent» and serves as the means of description of man, his behavior and acts, thus, carries in itself the evaluation component of value. In wide sense the lexeme of persistent comes forward as description of not man and his activity, but realities of environment, natural phenomena or some abstract concepts. In this case persistent matters «permanent», «proof», the component of evaluation. does not contain mostly, but is quicker objective description of the phenomenon. In the psychological context of persistent provides achieving of personality; serves as the internal condition of organization of vital functions of man, regulator of major moral values. One of the most meaningful internalss of persistent personality, that influence on becoming of general personality potential, is complimentation. The name of this quality went from the French word «compliment» and means a «contact», but as term, the name was adopted from biochemistry, where means «mutual accordance». Persistent is stability, firmness of personality. Persistent of personality is least apt to the asocial displays. We examine persistent as ability of to accumulate and long time retain corresponding properties and internalss even in unfavorable circumstances or in circumstances that does not assist a personality height. The volitional internalss of persistent personality show in overcoming of external obstacles with the clear decision of aim of activity, that is sent to prosperity of the nearest surroundings, for overcoming of internal obstacles (complexes, defects, negative internalss) she requires the help of other man (psychologist, reviewer relative or leader), that will ground advantage of similar efforts for persistent personality and her the nearest surroundings. Persistent of orientation on family and nearest professional surroundings, that is why can lead in family or small group.
Key words: flexibility, activity, personal potential, the complementary nature, persistence.