Peculiarities of mental and cultural features of English proverbs and sayings containing absolute realities - Контрольная работа

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The definition of the nature and content of the national-cultural semantics of mentality. The features reflection of the material, spiritual and a social values in English Proverbs and sayings. Ways of formation of toponyms in the English language.

Аннотация к работе
PECULIARITIES OF MENTAL AND CULTURAL FEATURES OF ENGLISH PROVERBS AND SAYINGS CONTAINING ABSOLUTE REALITIES CONTEXT INTRODUCTION 1. SEMANTICS OF MENTALITY AND CULTURE 2. SEMANTICS OF PROVERBS AND SAYINGS 2.1 PROVERBS AND SAYINGS AS MIRROR OF THE CULTURE 2.2 THE CONCEPT “REALITY” IN DIFFERENT PERCEPTIONS 3. REFLECTION OF CULTURAL FEATURES IN ENGLISH PROVERBS CONTAINING THE REALITIES 3.1 ANTHROPONIMICAL REALITIES IN ENGLISH PROVERBS 3.2 TOPONYMICAL REALITIES IN ENGLISH 3.3 MATERIAL CULTURE REALITIES IN ENGLISH PROVERBS CONCLUSION LIST OF USED MATERIALS INTRODUCTION Proverbs are a good material to introduce features of national character, because they reflect originality, history and experiences of people of the ethno linguistic group and their knowledge of reality. Proverbs and sayings are an integral part of the process of mastering a foreign language. Language training should take place in the conditions of the real using of the language or should imitate these conditions as precisely as possible. Proverbs an
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