Підвищення ефективності післядипломного етапу практичної підготовки лікарів–інтернів - Статья

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Перспективи використання інноваційних технологій у новій освітній моделі та досвід організації викладання внутрішньої медицини лікарям-інтернам на етапі післядипломного навчання. Засоби ефективної реалізації завдань, які відповідають сучасним вимогам.

Аннотация к работе
INCREASE OF EFFICIENCY OF THE POSTGRADUATE STAGE OF PRACTICAL PREPARATION OF THE DOCTORS-INTERNS?L?a‡o?aii IAOIAL iaa?aiiy Y? ?ii?‡? AII?YA?IAAII? aca”iica?ycaii? a‡y?uii?o‡ AL??aaa?‡a ‡ ?‡?a?‡a-‡ioa?i‡a, ?i?yii-aai‡ ia AL?‡laiiy caaaaiu i?a‡OL, ALIIAAIIY oa ‡IALA‡aoa?uii?i ?ICALO?O a i?ioa?‡ iaa?aiiy. ??aa?oaa?aii CA?I?L AOA?OLAII? ?aa?‡cao‡? caaaaiu, Y?‡ a‡aiia‡aa?ou ?o?A?ILI ALII?AI a?y i‡A?IOIA?L ?‡?a?‡a-‡ioa?i‡a ia?li?i oa a?o?i?i ?I?‡a iaa?aiiy i‡a ?a? iaa?a?uii?i i?ioa?o. The article describes the experience of the introduction of the innovative methods of studying at the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of Postgraduate Education Faculty at the State Higher Educational Institution ?Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University?. The methods of studies as a way of well-organized associate activity of teachers and interns are reflected, directed on the decision of tasks of education, education and individual development, in the process of studies. The article adduces the prospects of using of innovative technologies in the new educational model and own experience of teaching organization of the internal medicine for doctors interns at the stage of postgraduate education. The article points out that the innovative methods of teaching will support the continuous professional growth of the doctors-interns and the training of the highly qualified doctors.
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