Вредные и опасные факторы труда таких профессиональных групп, как монтеры пути, слесари-ремонтники. Влияние рода работы, местонахождения рабочего, физических факторов, наличия химических веществ и газов, климатической обстановки на здоровье работника.
Аннотация к работе
AEOOAEUIUA I?IAEAIU O?AINII?OIIE IAAEOEIU ? 1, 2005 a.PRODUCTION AND REPAIRING Suprun V.I., Timoshina D.P., Kucheruk T.K. The state of sanitary and hygiene conditions of welding works, that are performed when building and repairing the ship’s transport facilities with using different welding materials is considered. The role of institutes of sanitary and epidemiologic service in providing safe conditions of welder’s work is noted. The measures directed to improve the conditions of labor of workers are proposed. The necessity of wide using of flux-cored wire of new generation with taking into account technical and toxicological and hygienic positions when building ship’s transport facilities and at the same time enlarging works on estimating biological influence and hygienic regulation of welding aerosols of new welding materials is proved.