Особливості відновлення, збереження та підвищення коефіцієнту життєвої енергії лідера - Статья

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Особливості системи підготовки лідерів, важливість та необхідність розвитку складових його освіти. Поєднання та гармонійний розвиток рівня емоційного і духовного інтелекту. Збереження та підвищення потенційного та реального енергетичного потенціалу.

Аннотация к работе
It is determined that in order to restore, preserve and increase the coefficient of vital energy, the leader needs to know himself, determine his strengths and advantages, accept himself, become himself, despite external resistance and conditions; to increase the harmony of one"s own psychoenergetic structure; to determine the correspondence of one"s vital activity to real desires and to evaluate its VQ on the grounds of energy deficit on the physical, emotional and social planes; preserve, reproduce, and ideally multiply vital energy by controlling your body, speech and inner mood, balancing vital energy in the spheres of the meaning of life, your body, social contacts and activities; release the energy of team members and help them to unlock their potential; create conditions for achieving a high VQ team as a whole. Рассмотрены особенности системы подготовки лидеров, обоснована важность и необходимость развития отдельных составляющих образования лидера, в частности коэффициента жизненной энергии VQ. As Pierre Casse and Paul George Claudel point out, VQ"s vitality is more important in leadership than the well-known IQS and emotional intelligence EQ. The leader must strive to have the highest (leader) VQ in comparison with others, which can be characterized by such signs as "I want and I can", "I burn in the idea", "burning eyes", "need to create", "think large-scale", "and insanity", "People are attracted by themselves, a thirst for communication." This will allow the leader to attract attention, to lead, to push others to the necessary actions. In a generalized form, for the preservation and reproduction of vital energy, the leader must follow the following recommendations: do not reduce the individually optimal time spent on sleep; In the morning use a charge, cold watering, jogging, facial or emotional gymnastics, yoga, gymnastics for the brain, etc .; To lead a healthy lifestyle, to adhere to the rules of rest; To practice respiratory practices; Take care of the feeling of success, recharge yourself with positive motivation, take care of the joys of life; Engage in a favorite and interesting business, get pleasure from what you do; Demand a maximum and set a high goal for life.
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