Висвітлення особливостей сільської малокомплектної школи. Відсутність паралельних класів, невеликий за складом педагогічний колектив. Забезпечення особистісного розвитку людини згідно з її індивідуальними задатками та потребами на основі навчання.
Аннотация к работе
Features of modern approaches to the organizational and methodological support of educational process in small schools and small classes in the in-service education. The article tells about the features of rural small «incomplete» schools such as no parallel classes; not enough children in class; small teachers staff, teaching several subjects by one teacher. Analyzes contemporary Ukrainian publications those aim to provide personal development in accordance with his/her individual inclinations, abilities, needs-based lifelong learning; draws attention to the problem of modern approaches to organizational and methodological support of educational process in small schools and small classes. Key words: rural school, «incomplete» school, small classes, teaching staff in small schools, motivation support. Iniiai? ?aoi?ioaaiiy n?eunuei? oei-ee ? iiaa?i?cao?y a?o?eciyii? ina?oe, iniiai? ?aa? yei? noi?ioeuiaaii a Caeii? Oe?a?ie «I?i ina?oo», Iao?iiaeui?e aieo?ei? ?icaeoeo ina?-oe Oe?a? ie o OO? noie?oo?, Aa??aai?e i?ia?ai? «A?eoaeu», Iao?iiaeui?e no?aoaa?? ?icaeoeo ina?-oe a Oe?a?i? ia 2012-2021 ?iee.