Особливості перебігу гострих кишкових інфекцій, спричинених умовно-патогенною флорою у дітей раннього віку - Статья

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Загальна характеристика та клінічні особливості, етапи протікання зазначених кишкових інфекцій. Необхідність і шляхи вдосконалення клініко-лабораторних критеріїв діагностики та прогнозування тяжкості перебігу даної хвороби в дітей раннього віку.

Аннотация к работе
CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT INFECTIONS CAUSED BY CONDITIONALLYPATHOGENIC MICROFLORA IN INFANTS To study the clinical features of gastrointestinal tract infections caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora in infants and to improve the clinical and laboratory criteria for the diagnosis and determining the prognosis of severe forms of the disease. The main group included 125 infants with gastrointestinal tract infections caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora, and the comparative group consisted of 51 infants with viral gastroenteritis. The most frequent and severest forms of acute gastrointestinal illnesses were caused by Enterobacter aerogenes and Klebsiella pneumoniae in children aged 13-36 months and by Staphylococcus aureus in infants aged 1-6 months. It was found that, in patients with acute gastrointestinal diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora, higher titers of antibodies in the agglutination reaction with autostrain were detected among children with mild forms of illness, indicating sufficient immunogenicity of the pathogen and an adequate response of the humoral component of local immunity.
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