Відновлення втрачених тканин голови і шиї. Артерізовані клапті і трансплантанти. Розробка артерізованих трансплантантів з голови, у зоні розгалуження задньої вушної і верхньощелепної артерії для заміщення дефектів тканин і втрачених органів на обличчі.
Аннотация к работе
56 topographic-and-anatomical studies have been carried out on 28 corpses, as well as 48 clinical observations during plastic reconstructive-restorative and cosmetic surgeries, using the hinged flaps from the areas, where blood supply is provided by the arteries under study. It has been established that the level of deviation of posterior auricular artery relative to the point of common carotid artery bifurcation varies greatly and depends on the head shape. The topographic-and-anatomical findings have established that individual features of external structure of maxillary artery are commonly related to the head shape. Furthermore, it has been established that the distance from common carotid artery bifurcation to the initial part of maxillary artery is rather variable and reaches the biggest sizes in individuals with dolichocephalic shape of the head and the smallest in brachycephalic shape of the head. The data provided showed that combined form of the artery has been detected in 37.9 % of cases.