Общая характеристика гипносуггестивной психотерапии. Выделение различных вариантов гипнотических состояний, их верификация с помощью кластерного анализа на основе результатов обследования и лечения пациентов с пограничными психическими расстройствами.
Аннотация к работе
The peculiarities of hypnotic states in patients with borderline mental disorders S.V.Two hundreds and eighteen patients with borderline mental disorders have been examined. After the first session of hypnosis suggesting therapy, 5 clinical variants of hypnotic states (physiological, asthenic, phobic, hysterical and mixed) were distinguished. Additionally, 40 patients have been interviewed for obtaining a formalized, according to adjectives used by the patients, description of experiences during the hypnotic session. Using cluster analysis, 5 groups were formed characteristics of which strongly correlated with earlier clinical description and therapeutical efficacy. The results allow better understanding of hypnotic states specificity as well as more precise prognosis of a therapeutic effect.