Особенности изменений ультраструктурной организации кардиомиоцитов и эндотелиоцитов кровеносных капилляров миокарда крыс в динамике старения - Статья

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Старение как процесс, который находится под влиянием генетики, образа жизни, факторов окружающей среды. Повышение риска развития возраст-зависимых патологий. Снижение количества органелл, рибосом, гранул гликогена в перинуклеарной области кардиомиоцитов.

Аннотация к работе
© ?oaiaaa ?. A., *Iaaci?ia A. I., Aaaee?oe A. A., ?a?iyaneay A. A., Eoeee A. A. ?oaiaaa ?. A., *Iaaci?ia A. I., Aaaee?oe A. A., ?a?iyaneay A. A., Eoeee A. A.Nonlinear dynamics of cardiovascular ageing / Y. Aging is not a disease, but it is associated with a physiological decline and an increased risk of age-related diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, which continue to occupy one of the leading causes of a death among the population of planet. It is known that pathologies of the cardiovascular system are accompanied by changes in the ultrastructure of its components, but the data about such modifications at physiological, not burdened with pathology, aging at different stages are absent. Animals were taken out of the experiment by decapitation every 6 months during their aging (age 6, 12, 18 and 24 months.) and we were taking pieces of myocardium tissue for electron microscopic examination. Carried out electron-microscopic study of the dynamics of submicroscopic transformations organelles of the rats’ cardiomyocytes and myocardium capillaries endothelial cells in the dynamics of their aging showed that the feature of the cardiomyocytes’ ultrastructural organization of 6 months old rats was the presence of a lot of small mitochondria and cristae in them, as well as the presence of mitochondrial fissile forms.
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