Применение препарата из группы центральных холиномиметиков - церепро - для лечения больных после ишемического инсульта в бассейне разных мозговых артерий из сопоставлением демографических и клинических показателей. Неврологическое обследование больных.
Аннотация к работе
Ee??aaua neiaa: oa?ai?i, eoaie?aneee einoeuo, ?aiiee ainnoaiiaeoaeuiue ia?eia, Cerepro, a central cholinomimetic drug, was administered to 60 patients after ischemic stroke in region of cerebral arteries. In the first group, cerepro was prescribed in dosage 1000 mg in 200 ml of physiological solution intravenously, in drops, daily during 10 days with the following intake of the drug in capsules - 1200 mg daily during 6 weeks. The second group was treated with cerepro used in capsules of 1200 mg daily during 8 weeks. A neurological study was conducted using a battery of psychometric scales and neuropsychological tests, along with global assessment of drug efficacy and tolerability by the corresponding indices. The drug exerted a positive effect on all characteristics of patient’s state, decreasing an extent of intensity of paresis and coordination disturbances, improving cognitive function and mood, reducing the intensity of asthenic signs and increasing general activity, mobility and ability to self-service in patients.