The description of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, or Sberbank. Differentiating the operations model and value proposition for the segments. The management responsibility, quality system documentation, purchasing, training of the enterprise.
Аннотация к работе
Introduction sberbank proposition bank management Operations management is concerned with managing the resources that directly produce the organization’s service or product. The resources will usually consist of people, materials, technology and information but may go wider than this. These resources are brought together by a series of processes so that they are utilized to deliver the primary service or product of the organization. The term operations management refers to the direction and control of the processes that transform inputs into products and services. Broadly interpreted, operations management underlies all functional areas, because processes are found in all business activities. According to Professor Jaume Ribera Operations Management can be considering as the art and science of getting things done, i.e., the way organizations produce goods and deliver services. Everything a customer pays for is the outcome of the job of operations managers who organize its production. For example, a laptop pur