Operational issues within private bank - Контрольная работа

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Characteristics of the organization of service in a private bank. Opening of transactional and savings accounts in a credit institution. Distribution of supply chain management processes. The operation of finding an invoice with a banking organization.

Аннотация к работе
THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENTIAL ACADEMY OF NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PUBLIC ADMINISTATION MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT Assignment: Operational issues within Private Bank X Professor: Nicholas A.C. Read Student: Izabella Dzhazaeva Moscow 2017 Content Executive Summary 1. Overview of the Private Bank X 2. Service Process within Private Bank X 3. Recommendation of Key Improvements 4. Breakdown of Supply Chain Management Process Conclusion References Executive Summary Private Bank X aims to provide exceptional banking services to select a group of High Net worth clients. Within X Private Bank’s supply chain, a continual balance has to be maintained between easy and quick transactions, while security for both the client and the bank are maintained at the highest possible level. This report will look at the supply chain management of completing service requests for clients, and make several recommendations in which to improve the processes for client services within the Private Bank X. 1. Overview of the Private Ban
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