The rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens, foreigners and stateless persons as elements of their legal status, subject to guarantees from the state. The place of the administrative-legal mechanism of protection to ensure the reality of rights.
Аннотация к работе
Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar The department of civil, labor and commercial law Object of administrative and legal protection as a basic element of their legal status secured by appropriate guarantees from the government Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor Sokolenko О.L. Annotation The scientific paper analyzes the basic element of administrative and legal protection of human rights. The rights of citizens are being considered as an object of administrative remedies. Key words: rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, object of administrative and legal protection, status of juristic person. Анотація У статті проаналізовано основний елемент адміністративного та правового захисту прав людини. Права громадян розглядаються як об’єкт адміністративних засобів захисту. 38 of the Constitution of Ukraine [1]).