Научно-теоретические проблемы медицины транспорта - Статья

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Сущность и предмет исследований транспортной медицины, ее роль и значение на современном этапе. Концептуальная модель построения и функционирования медицины данной отрасли, направления ее развития. Принципы адаптации деятельности работников транспорта.

Аннотация к работе
The place and a role of transport medicine in the decision of problems on reforming public health services in the country in view of performance of the governmental program «Towards to people», and also decisions July (2005) board of Ministry of Public health of Ukraine is shown. On the basis of the analysis of specificity of transport branch, features of occupational work of its workers, potential negative influence on 12 health of the population and an environment, ways and methods of integration of all divisions of practical services and the organizations of preventive and medical directions are planned under aegis of the updated Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of transport medicine on the basis of achievements of a fundamental and applied medical science for preservation of workers health of the branch and the population of the country.
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