Морфометрична характеристика змін в культі червоподібного відростка після апендектомії - Статья

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Аналіз морфології тканин та структурних змін кукси після кліпування. Вимірювання товщин оболонок. Класичне формування червоподібного відростка кисетом та Z-подібним швами. Накладення на відросток вікрилових лігатур при лапароскопічній апендектомії.

Аннотация к работе
* Національний медичний університет імені О.О. Богомольця, Київ The Morphometric Feature of Appendiceal Stump Changes after Appendectomy O.V. Ossovsky, K.V. Tsema*, V.K. Safonov, M.B. Hominska* Main Military Medical Clinical Centre, Ministry of Defense, Kyiv, Ukraine * National Medical University named O.O. Bogomolets, Kyiv, Ukraine The results of the comparative morphometric estimation of pathohisto- logical structure of appendiceal stump depending on the different methods of it processing are presented in the article. The experimental study was conducted by 28 laboratory animals (rabbits, weight 3-5 kg). The animals depending on the methods of appendiceal stamps processing were divided on four equal groups in 7 animals each. The first (control) group was consisted of the healthy animals. In the second group of the animals classic appendiceal stamps processing with use purse-string and Z-shaped sutures was conducted. In the third group of the animals ligature method was used. In the fourth group of the animals appendiceal stamps processing with using two tantalum clips was conducted. The intensity of morphometric changes in appendiceal stamp depended of the method of it processing: the changes after clipping appendiceal base by tantalum binding clips were certain more express; the changes after classic invaginated method were certain less express. There were certain less morphometric changes in appendiceal stamp after using ligature method, but it was at a disadvantage to classic method. Key words: appendix, appendectomy, methods of stamps processing, morphological structure.
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