Study of the problems of local government in Ukraine. Analysis of its budgetary support, personnel policy, administrative-territorial structure. The priority of reform of local self-management. The constitution of Palestine: the state in development.
Аннотация к работе
It is possible to confirm the valid depth of this problem of local self-management by the following, for example, the level of budgetary maintenance of local self-management (in euro per capita for one year) in Sweden is - 2500 in Czech and Poland - about 600, in Ukraine - a little above 100. At the same time the responsibility of each level of public authority for effective performance of the functions assigned on it by the law will increase. For this purpose it is extremely necessary to adopt the following statutory-legal acts, namely: The law About entry of changes in the Constitution of Ukraine, laws About local self-management in Ukraine (in the new wording), About the legal status of the territorial unit, About local state administrations (in the new wording), About administrative-territorial structure, About legal status of rural, settlement, and city Heads, About the municipal property, etc. One more major problem of the new authority still remains the legal security of bodies and officials of local self-management, and, first of all, it is necessary to increase legal guarantees for rural, settlement, city Heads, deputies of local councils. We believe that the only ground for the prescheduled termination of powers of the elected officials of local self-management will be infringement by them of the Constitution or the laws of Ukraine, confirmed with the verdict of the court which has validity that will invariably result in becoming of local self-management independent on administrative pressure from above. The next problem still remains the problem of election system in bodies of local self-management. It is hard to cause objections of application of the proportional circuit in the towns and cities (in future - in regional cities and cities - areas).