Attraction of financial investments as a basic goal of most economic organizations in the world. Their impact on business, increasing economic efficiency and competitiveness. Integration of scientific technologies in all spheres of economic activities.
Аннотация к работе
UDC 346.5:005.591.6 Methodology of application of special regimes for innovative economic activity V.Ye. Vakim PhD. Student of the Economic Law Department, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv Attraction of financial investment flows is a goal of a majority of economic organizations all over the world. This stipulates peculiar demand for innovative scientific developments. Involvement of them in business activity increases economic efficiency and competitiveness of an enterprise. Integration of scientific achievements and new technologies into production and other spheres of economic activity benefits development of a national economy as a whole. This fact is affirmed by the world experience. The experience indicates that the rapid increase of economic indices is inherent to countries, which provide involvement of innovations in key industries. These countries also conduce to transition of the production base of these industries to new techno-economic paradigms. Those companies, which rapidly and