Methodological support for diagnosis of leader’s social competence - Статья

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The study of aspects related to the formation of social competence. Characteristic of a successful leader in the field of interaction substantiated and determined. The 360 degrees method involving a three-component assessment of the characteristics.

Аннотация к работе
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics Methodological support for diagnosis of leader’s social competence A.A. Polubiedova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor Department of Sociology and Psychology of Management, Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Psychology of Management, Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця, м. Харків Методика діагностики соціальної компетентності керівника А.О. Полубєдова, к. е. н., доцент кафедри соціології та психології управління С.М. Голубєв, Викладач, кафедра соціології та психології управління Харьковский национальный экономический университет имени Семена Кузнеца, г. Харьков Методика диагностики социальной компетентности руководителя А.А. Полубедова, к. э. н., доцент кафедры социологии и психологии управления, С.Н. Голубев, Преподаватель кафедры социологии и психологии управления, Based on a literature review, the nature and content of such a term as «the manager’s social competence» have been defined. The following features characteristic of a successful leader in the field of interaction were substantiated and determined: the manager communicates not only for formal reasons related to the organization’s work process; supports emotional connection with a partner showing his or her personal attitude to the partner; is aware of the particular features of the he/she works with; inspires confidence and sympathy; is always ready to communicate and communicates with energy; establishes a network of informal connections; his/her ideas fascinate others and he/she urges others to follow him/her; forms a group of like-minded people. The study of theoretical aspects related to the formation of social competence allowed to define its substantive features: relativity depending on internal conditions and needs of the external environment, and compromise between the desires of the team and the manager’s needs. A method to diagnose the condition of the manager’s social competence is described. The 360 degrees method involving a three-component assessment of the manager’s characteristics: self-evaluation, evaluation by employees and his/her supervisor. The following key components of the manager’s social competence are suggested: cognitive, emotional and related to activities and practice. The development of each component using training means provides the basis for the development of the manager’s social competence. Key words: social competence, manager, the 360 degrees method. social leader assessment На основі аналізу літератури визначено сутність та зміст поняття «соціальна компетентність менеджера». Запропоновано використовувати метод «360 градусів», який передбачає оцінку якостей менеджера з 3 сторін: самооцінка, оцінки підлеглих та його керівника.
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