Management concept of higher education establishments investment potential - Статья

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The structure of the investment potential of higher education establishments determining and analyzing in terms of social and economic situation in Ukraine. Statistics of total government investments in education. The concept of management is proposed.

Аннотация к работе
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Management concept of higher education establishments investment potential M.O. Vergun, postgraduate student Annotation The paper dwells on the issues of the investment potential structure of higher education establishments determining and analyzing in terms of modern social and economic situation in Ukraine. The management concept of higher education establishments investment potential has been offered. Key words: higher education establishments, social-economic conditions, market economy, investment potential, factors of development, investment potential level increase, evaluation, optimization. investment education economic Problem definition and its relationship with important scientific and practical tasks. The modernization of higher education system in Ukraine aiming at adoption of European standards and integration in accordance with the Bologna process requires appropriate investment security. Education plays and will continue to play a crucial role in the process of the economy modernization and comprehensive development of the state because only the countries with a powerful educational potential ensure the mankind’s progress. Therefore, the education sector should be considered as the starting point of the progress in Ukraine. The development of science and education as well as the investment in human capital are the key conditions for the progress of all the sectors of the economy. The decisive role in this process belongs to the state. The key to sustainable economic development of Ukraine is investments in education, science, health, mobility, motivation, i.e. in those priority spheres of society where human capital is formed [1, 9]. However, the analysis of annual foreign investment dynamics in the Ukrainian education sector over the past 4 years has shown almost a fourfold decrease, from 41 mln USD in 2010 to 14.4 mln USD in 2013. The share of investment in education and science in 2013 was 0.4% of the total and this trend has no positive improvement forecast [2, 3]. Statistics of total government investments in education in Ukraine has a negative trend. In 2007 the figure was 53.47 billion UAH, in 2008 - 70.39 billion UAH, in 2009 - 77.41 billion UAH, in 2010 - 91,07 billion UAH, in 2011 - 97.60 billion UAH, in 2012 - 111.18 billion UAH. However, comparing these indicators with the performance of the national economy in 2007 and 2008, we can conclude that Ukraine has spent 7.4% of gross domestic product (GDP) on education, in 2009 - 8.5% in 2010 - 8.4% in 2011 - 7.5% and in 2012 the figure was 7.9% [4]. Against the background of the given indicators the part of state investments in education that comes from the state budget is reducing too. So in 2013, investments in implementation of the state order were slightly less than 5% of all government spending, while in 2007 the figure was almost 5.5%. The biggest share was in 2010 - 6.4% [5, 6]. Described issues with investment in the higher education sector result in extremely low activity of domestic universities in groping after new sources of investment for research, scientific and technical activities. A vivid example is low participation of Ukrainian researchers in international scientific investigations. The funding share of scientific institutions of higher education sector in total R & D funding at the expense of foreign countries is insignificant (2000 - 1.1%; 2005 - 0.7%; 2009 - 1.3%; 2010 - 0.8% ; 2011 - 1.5%; 2013 - 1.2% of total funding of Ukrainian science at the expense of foreign countries) [7, 8].
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