Let’s get down to business English - Учебное пособие

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A feature of studying this perfect period. Analysis of the passive voice structures. Characteristics of participles and participial constructions. The essence of complex forms of time. Definition of derivatives and lungs for the confusion of words.

Аннотация к работе
Готовя рукопись, автор не раз задавался вопросами о целях и содержании настоящего пособия. Аналогичные вопросы задаст и учитель, в руки которого попадет данная книга. Пособие эффективно использовалось в ходе практического преподавания в среднем специальном учебном заведении экономического профиля (при сетке 60 часов в семестр). Материалы второй и третьей части пособия имеют более теоретический характер и взяты из таких серьезных изданий, как Principles and practice of marketing (David Jobber, 1995) или Consumer Behavior (William L.Wilkie, 1994). Автор выражает признательность доктору педагогических наук, профессору Н.Н.Нижневой, познакомившейся с пособием в рукописи и сделавшей ряд ценных замечаний; доктору педагогических наук, профессору Е.И.Пассову, идеи которого стимулировали продолжение работы над пособием; директору Барановичского негосударственного экономико-юридического техникума Г.Г.Соколу, оказывавшему постоянную поддержку в разработке материала; студентам 692 и 713 групп БНЭЮТ, общение с которыми заставляло автора искать практические пути совершенствования методического комплекса. Through this principle, the company successfully established itself as the vehicle of choice for several generations of Americans. через этот принцип компания успешно установила себя как автомобиль выбора для нескольких американцев. благодаря этому принципу, автомобили компании пользовались неизменным успехом у многих поколений американцев. базируясь на этом принципе, компания успешно установила себя как производитель автомобилей для нескольких поколений американцев. DESCRIBE the history of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company using the picture. Refer to Exercise 7.1 for information. DISCUSS the news: one of your friends has just bought a Harley motorcycle. Speak about the shining possibilities! SHARE the impressions: someone you know personally has made a travel to Flint, Michigan. You talked to this person and you knew a lot, didnt you? COMMENT on Chevrolets main principle of providing high quality at low cost. Do you think it is a good principle to follow? STUDY the following company profile. Discuss it with your groupmates. Prepare to transfer the data into a biography. XPLORE the history of some other automotive manufacturer. Use alternative sources of information. Prepare to report in class. ROLEPLAY a conversation between William Harley and Arthur Davidson that took place about one hundred years ago, in 1901. At that time both were probably discussing their plans for the future. VISIT the office of a newly-established local company. Your visit should give you some information to prepare this firms profile. STUDY the ads page of a local paper. Discuss the information one can find there. 7. STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION PRACTICE 7.1 Rewrite using correct tense-forms THE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANY William S.Harley (to be born) into a family of British immigrants. (General) 7.3 Give the gist of the text in 10-12 written sentences CORRECT THE MISTAKES MADE BY AN INEXPERIENCED LEARNER. WRITE AN OUTLINE OF THE COMPANYS HISTORY USING EXERCISE 6.6. WRITE A SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF SOME LOCAL BUSINESS (EXERCISE 6.9). UNIT TWO HEINZ: THE SECRET FOR SUCCESS I. VOCABULARY LIST to start a business pure to see to transport booming to grow to realize variety to bring to hire employee to find to provide benefit to become to improve self-improvement to give to package packaging to do to advertise advertisement to light to display fair * to prevent label campaign to eliminate dangerous chemicals company to trust sign companion VOCABULARY WORK CHOOSE ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION. 1) to change for the better 2) to understand 3) to employ people 4) to believe 5) a collection of various things 6) to give benefits 7) to exibit at a fair 8) organized series of activities 9) clean,without chemicals 10) an electric advertisement 11) to put an end to using something 12) a worker TRANSLATE PAYING ATTENTION ТЭ THE ITALICISED WORDS. Henry Heinz was unlike other sellers of his time. He organized self-improvement courses like drawing and music. Like any other company, Heinz & Noble advertised a lot. The products displayed at the fair look like each other. Unlike newspaper ads, electric signs attract more people. All the employees thought that it was very unlike him. People like to buy things from Heinz Company. What is this new food company like? He realized the managers likes and dislikes were important. These two products are alike both in colour and quality. The new equipment costs something like $1500. The improved designs of the building look alike now. 8. WORK AT THE FOLLOWING TEXT 8.1 Read and answer the question What were Henry Heinz innovative ideas in advertising? HEINZ THE SECRET FOR SUCCESS READING COMPREHENSION TEST 2A. Choose the correct variant on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. 1. It was at the age of twelve that Henry Heinz started selling newspapers bottled his first home-made product understood the usefulnes
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