Learning objectives of foreign language teaching in modern competence-based paradigm - Статья

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Discussion of some aspects of the formation of key competencies of students in teaching foreign languages. Types of competences, formation for solving communication problems in a foreign language. classification of competences of various researchers.

Аннотация к работе
Saint-Petersburg Institute of Economy, Culture and Business Administration Department of the humanities Learning objectives of foreign language teaching in modern competence-based paradigm Markarjan Armen Sergeevich, senior lecturer Popov Sergej Vitalevich, assistant professor Abstract Markarjan A.S., Popov S.V., Learning objectives of foreign language teaching in modern competence-based paradigm The article discusses some aspects of formation of key competences of students in teaching foreign languages. The types of competencies, which promotes the formation of the ability to solve communication problems in a foreign language. We consider the interpretation and classification of competencies of various researchers. Keywords: competence-based approach
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