Issue sales growth "Samsung Galaxy S4" - Доклад

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A study of factors affecting the sales of Samsung Galaxy 4. Designing, developing sophisticated database structures and systems the telephone. The study of the pricing strategy. Consideration of the company"s activities, telephone sales profitability.

Аннотация к работе
Research proposal & report Issue sales growth Samsung Galaxy S4 Instructor: Natalia Viatkina Prepared by: Helen Rachyna Anna Serebrennikova Alla Royuk Vera Bojkova Fall 2013 1. Our research design: A Historical one Our design is historical because we try to answer the questions like “Why?” and is based on historical data, what already happened in the past. Besides, our research won’t effect “Samsung” performance and profitability ratios directly. In order to test our project’s hypothesis brought up above, we collected, verified, and synthesized evidence from the past to establish facts that defend or refute the hypothesis. We also came up with historical design because we’re dealing with trends (in our case, with trends in “Samsung” revenue growth and in overall smart phone market performance). See Appendix A which is a YouTube video interview located at Small group (committee) interview: Researchers conducted one short (average.25 hour) semistructured interview with focus group immediately before each observation to collect information about their personal experience in “Galaxy S4” usage and history with project management, collaboration, and related tools and practices.
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