Innovative regional development - Статья

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Comparative analysis of different approaches which touch the topic of evaluation of innovative activity and efficiency in regions. Directions increase profit from innovation sphere, maintaining sustainable development and competitiveness of the country.

Аннотация к работе
Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics INNOVATIVE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Proshkina Oksana Nikolaevna master student The main topic of this paper is concerned about innovative development in the regions. Thereby, research question is what factors can influence the innovative development in the regions. Although there are big amount of papers are devoted to the issue of innovations, scientists have not generated a common opinion on this topic. First part of the article contains basic innovation system concepts. Second part of this work consists of comparative analysis of different approaches which touch the topic of evaluation of innovative activity and efficiency in regions. Received information can help the state to enhance the profits from innovation sphere, maintain sustainable development of society and increase competitiveness of the country. Keywords: economic development < innovation efficiency < innovations < innovative activity < knowledge < national innovation system < region innovation system
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