Influence of increasing the temperature of thermochemical activation of up to 750 °C and increasing the dosage of potassium hydroxide to 2.1 g/g of activated carbon synthesis of hydrolytic lignin on the formation of adsorption properties of the AC.
Аннотация к работе
Influence of thermochemical activation of hydrolytic lignin by hydroxide of potassium on properties of carbon adsorbents K.A. Romanenko M.G. Beletskaya N.I. Bogdanovich N.L. Voropaeva Russia, as one or the other country, has a rich source of raw materials for the production of adsorption material, which makes it possible to obtain a wide range of carbon adsorbents for various purposes with the best consumer value, namely combination of price and quality. It should be noted that in a continuous rise in environmental pollution, and rapidly increasing consumption of different filter materials. The most common and effective filters are filters based on activated carbon (AC). thermochemical potassium hydrolytic adsorption The one of the main determining factors in the production of various types of activated carbon is the primary products and conditions of activation. The raw material for activated carbon are a wide variety of carbon-containing natural resources and their by-products: wood and wood waste processin