The key characteristics common to both phenomena analyzed are identified. A number of specific characteristics have been identified, including the primacy, focus on the information needed to investigate crimes, increase awareness and data capacity.
Аннотация к работе
A number of specifying characteristics is identified including primacy (exploratory nature), focus on information (procedural and non-procedural) required for investigation of crimes, awareness-raising and tactical potential of collected data (collection of data itself is not completing the process but provides a sustainable foundation for further investigative actions to be taken and vice versa - any search result is basically completion of tasks defined by investigative actions (e.g. establishment of a case prioritized by criminal proceeding). bywords: crime detection, quick search, tracing, unlike concepts. investigation crime awareness potential Шаповалов О. О. - кандидат юридичних наук, докторант Національної академії внутрішніх справ, м. Стаття надійшла до редколегії 05.01.2017 Practical activity and theoretical research of any factual statement starts from search of basic information. Search as a scientific category is the first step of cognitive process (search activity is an essential element of cognitive operation) [1, p.