Inclusion of West-Ukrainian lands into the USSR in 1939 (historical and legal research) - Статья

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Investigation of the preconditions for the entry of Western Ukrainian lands into the Ukrainian SSR and the peculiarities of establishing control over these territories. Characteristics of the administrative and territorial organization of superficies.

Аннотация к работе
УДК 342.57 INCLUSION OF WEST-UKRAINIAN LANDS INTO THE USSR IN 1939 (HISTORICAL AND LEGAL RESEARCH) Guban R. Semendiai A. 1939 was the beginning of a new epoch not only for the Ukrainian but also for the whole Europe. Events that led to World War II happened exactly at this time. The Soviet- German non-aggression pact was signed in August 23, 1939, specifying, that Western Ukrainian lands (which extended up to the San river) were included “in case of territorial and political changes” to the “sphere of influence” of the USSR [1, p.
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