History of the English language expansion in the world - Курсовая работа

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History of the English language, its causes and global distribution. His role in global communication between peoples and as a major business. Comparison of British and American dialects. Proof of the importance of their various teaching for pupils.

Аннотация к работе
Contents Introduction I. The History of the expansion of the English language 1.1 A brief history of the English language 1.2 Origins of English as global language 1.3 The role of English today II. The varieties of English and importance of their introduction to the pupils 2.1 The difference between British and American English 2.2 Approbation and its interpretation Conclusion References Application 1 Introduction Today more and more disputes are caused by the enormous spread of the English language throughout the world. Some scholars claim that it has already become the first global language. And this statement isn’t far from truth. In this era of consolidation and trying to unify various aspects of life, it will not be long before English can be made as a single language of the world like the single currency and the union of various nations. The level of sentimental attachment or genuine liking for English falls far short of the level of necessity-based desire to learn it. In many countries, local authorities are engaged in language planning to foster the positive image of the national language for many functions for all people, and simultaneously to foster the spread of English in its function - a difficult set of co-occurring goals. Thus, all these countries are gradually becoming bilingual. The spread of English around the world can be visualized as three concentric circles representing different ways in which the language has been acquired and is currently used. It is called Kachru’s model of New Englishes. The Inner Circle refers to the traditional historical and sociolinguistic bases of English in the areas where it is the primary language (native or first language; UK, Ireland, Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand). The Expanding Circle involves nations which recognize the importance of English as an international language, but they do not have the history of colonization, nor does English have any special status in their language policy. In these areas, English is primarily a foreign language. The term new Englishes is used for the varieties which have developed in the Outer Circle, have been transplanted and, therefore, can also be called diaspora varieties. In a historical and linguistic sense, these varieties are not new. They are called new because it is only recently that they have been linguistically, and literaturewise, recognized and institutionalized, although they have a long history of acculturation in geographical, cultural and linguistic contexts different from the English of the Inner Circle. The need to investigate the nature as well as the history of these varieties of the English language and the reason of their development predetermines the actuality of the given course paper. It also has determined the aim of work: to investigate the history of the English language expansion in the world. In accordance with the given aim, the following objectives were put forward: - To consider the history of the English language itself; - To find out the historical reasons and ways of spreading English; - To analyze the role of English as the global language today; - To compare British and American English in order to find the most common differences; - To prove that it is important to introduce the difference between British and American English to the pupils. The subject of this course paper is the history of the English language expansion in the world. The object of this course paper is the varieties of the English language, their place and role in modern world and importance of their introduction to the students. The hypothesis of the work: by teaching the varieties of English and the culture of the English speaking countries can affect positively the educational process in general, while: 1) The lessons are becoming more vivid, as the pupils do not just learn some phrases and grammatical structure, but try to understand the culture of the English speaking countries. 2) They are realizing the importance of learning English, as they know the role of English today. 3) It widens the horizon of the pupils, their awareness in the history of the world. Methods of investigation: - Thorough theoretical analysis of the pedagogical literature, connected with the topic of the investigation; - Interviewing students that took part in model-lessons. The work consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. In the first part we tried to investigate the history of the English language history of its expansion and its role in modern world. As for practical part, it contains some examples of the major differences between British English and American English, approbation and its interpretation. I. The History of the expansion of the English language 1.1 A brief history of the English language Speaking of the history of the expansion of the English language in the world, it won’t be needless to mention the general historical outfit of the language itself. English is a member of the Indo-European family of
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