Financial markets and trading strategies - Реферат

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The behavior of traders on financial markets. Rules used by traders to determine their trading policies. A computer model of the stock exchange. The basic idea and key definitions. A program realization of that model. Current and expected results.

Аннотация к работе
Table of Contents Introduction The basic idea and key definitions An implementation of the model Current and expected results Conclusion References Introduction The object of this study is financial markets and trading strategies. The global trend to use modern means of information and communication technologies affects financial markets. This trend in the application to an exchange leads to a significant simplification of performing trading operations. The usage of the Internet reduces time costs of submitting bids and asks and executing clearing operations; as a result, there are more private traders in each exchange than a decade ago. These qualitative and quantitative changes determine a current growth of a percentage of short-term speculative traders in comparison with long-term investors. Speculative traders use trading strategies to select proper moments to open and to close their positions in these or those financial instruments. The most part of trading strategies is based on indicators calculated wi
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