Fashion in the past and present of the United Kingdom - Курсовая работа

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National clothing in Great Britain. The 20th century fashion. Scottish national kilt. Traditional clothing of English women. Great British fashion designers. Five most talented fashion designers. The work of fashion designer and vegetable fibres.

Аннотация к работе
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE THE O. V. MISHUKOV KHERSON ACADEMIC LYCEUM AFFILIATED WITH KHERSON STATE UNIVERSITY OF KHERSON CITY COUNSIL COURSE WORK FASHION IN THE PAST AND PRESENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Kherson 2016 Contents Introduction 1. National clothing in Great Britain 1.1 The 20th century fashion 1.2 Scottish national kilt 1.3 Welsh national costume 1.4 English national dress 2. Great British fashion designers 2.1 Five most talented fashion designers 2.2 The work of fashion designer 2.3 Vegetable fibres Conclusion List of literature Introduction The theme of our investigation is fashion in the past and present in the United Kingdom. Nowadays Studying fashion is very important. Fashion is something we deal with everyday. Even people who say they dont care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day. People have always wanted to look nice and socially accepted. At is the way fashion helps people be up to date. Fashion is a dynamic globa
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