Аналіз компонентів професійної підготовки музикантів-виконавців, хорових диригентів. Загальні положення й принципи збагачення культурологічної складової, елементи поліхудожнього підходу в практиці професійної підготовки сучасного диригента-хормейстера.
Аннотация к работе
The characteristic features of general cultural, aesthetic and artistic components of vocational training of musicians-performers, choral conductors are analyzed. Keywords: music culture, performing arts, musician-performer, individual copyright features. Many outstanding issues of art (including music) is actively developed in the sciences which adjacent to musicology - philosophy, aesthetics, psychology and pedagogy. The teacher who develops the ability to perceive and create a coherent artistic image in creative young musicians can expect that art in general will actively promote the development of creative individuality of the future artist as an interpreter. Keywords: music culture, performing arts, musician-performer, individual copyright features.