English topics - Топик

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My favorite book. My Favorite Newspapers. My Favorite Writer. My Friend. My school. The English Language. At the Theatre. Environmental Protection. My Favorite Video Film. My Future Profession. Travelling. Books and libraries. Famous people. My hobby.

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My favorite book. My favorite book is The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. This story is one of the well-known works of the writer. The author depicts the characters of the old man and the boy and their relations very vividly and skillfully. Santiago, the old man, was one of the writers beloved characters. The old man was a born fisherman, but he was not a butcher and fished only for a living. He was very lonely. He had a devoted friend - the boy, Manolin. The boy loved the old man for his kind heart, his devotion to the sea. Manolin was like a son to Santiago. He took care of the old mans food and his belongings. The old man was glad to pass his experience to the boy. He looked forward to going to the sea together with the boy. All Santiagos life had been in preparation for the battle with big fish. He knew that he had been born for this and it was time to prove it. A strong man at last had met a strong fish. The battle was a difficult one and full of danger. Though the sharks had eaten the fish and
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