English idioms and their Russian equivalents - Дипломная работа

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The Importance of Achieving of Semantic and Stylistic Identity of Translating Idioms. Classification of Idioms. The Development of Students Language Awareness on the Base of Using Idioms in Classes. Focus on speech and idiomatic language in classes.

Аннотация к работе
Тетради переводчика, №5, М., 1968, Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка. М.: 1959. Next group is idioms connected with problematic situations. (French was also a popular source of idioms.) Nowadays American English is in this position. It is hard to find an American English idiom that has not established itself in worldwide English (usually British English). So, it seems impossible to find a single English equivalent for all contexts. At first glance, however, it appears quite possible to find several English idioms and translate the Russian idiomatically by parts, that is, (1) быть в страшном гневе may be expressed by to be beside oneself with rage or to go up into the air (i.e. explode with rage) or to fly off the handle (which may, sometimes, correspond to the Russian он словно с цепи сорвался); (2) выкрикивать бранные слова can be idiomatically expressed by to jump down smb.s throat (i.e. shout angry words at smb. though (3) it is needless and/or unwise to do) or by to go off the deep end (i.e. speak with unduly anger). (Ю. Герман) ...I cant help my feelings, he said, my love is stronger than my will. Sergei Andreyevich and I naturally advised him to pull him- Self together-but he wouldnt listen. He said his control centres had snapped! How dyou like that?.
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