This paper studies the issue of emotional labor in public health care organizations for children in Russia. The presented research aims at defining and examining the main features of emotional labor in public health care institutions in this country.
Аннотация к работе
GOVERMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION «NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY “HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS”» DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Emotional labor in public health care organizations in Russia: How to improve the current situation (based on the example of a public hospital in Moscow) Final qualifying paper - BACHELOR PAPER Preparation direction 38.03.04 «Public Administration» Educational program «Public Administration» Gorshkova Natalia Moscow 2016 ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ АВТОНОМНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ “ВЫСШАЯ ШКОЛА ЭКОНОМИКИ”» ФАКУЛЬТЕТ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ НАУК Эмоциональная нагрузка в государственных учреждениях здравоохранения в России: как улучшить современную ситуацию (на примере государственной больницы в г. Москве). The extent to which the actions of the medical personnel when providing services correspond to the citizens’ expectations defines its satisfaction with the provided service. The quality of the public services provided by the organizations of public administration system has recently become an extremely important in this country. The Decree No. 601 of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 On the Main Directions of Improving Governance, satisfaction of the citizens of the Russian Federation with the public services provided must not be less than 90% by the year 2018. That is why the topic of the emotional labor of the medical staff in public health care organizations in Russia seems to be relevant. The concept of emotional labor in public health care organizations for children has been very poorly studied so far. That is why the development of the theoretical research in the field is considered the novelty of research. The practical significance of the research consists in the suggestions given in the discussion part of the paper which could be applied to the field of public heal care as well as to any other field of public administration in Russia. The object of the research is emotional labor of medical personnel of public health care institutions for children in Russia. The subject is coping with emotional labor of medical personnel of public health care institutions for children in Russia. The research question is as follows: How do administrators, doctors, and nurses deal with a emotionally charged context of service delivery on a daily basis? The goal of the research is to overview the existing situation in the field of emotional labor in public health care organizations and to suggest some improvements of it. This, in its turn, can be divided into several tasks such as: To define the term “Emotional labor” in the context of public health care institutions in modern Russia. To define the main features of emotional labor of public health care institutions in Russia. To clarify their impact on the performance of the studied organizations. To propose possible suggestions to improve the current situation in the field. The paper is organized as follows: in the first chapter the concept of emotional labor and its peculiarities are discussed. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical research conducted where its methods are explained as well as the results are given analyzed. In the third chapter the suggestions are made that could be considered useful in order to reduce the emotional labor of the Russian civil servants in any field of public administration and enhance their performance. The conclusions of the study are made. The main terms used in the paper are as follows. Emotional labor (in public sector) is a concept that is used in social sciences to refer to the emotions that arise from the relationship between civil servants and citizens or civil servants and civil servants.