The urgency of the problem of effective use of fertilizers from the point of view of transformation of land relations. Analysis of the economic efficiency of the use of liquid organic fertilizers for pigs using the example of maize and winter wheat.
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Under these conditions the favorable alternative to expensive fertilizers can be organic fertilizers, including liquid manure of pigs, especially since the pig industry compared to other livestock sectors is developing dynamically. Analysis of recent researches and publications shows that I. M. Bohdevych [2] A. M. Moskalenko [3], O. V. Sendetska [4], O. V. Khodakivska [5], E. Enujeke [6], T. Leah, N. Leah [7], K. Leibold, T. Olsen [8], R. Massey [9], M. Schmitt, G. Rehm [10] pay attention the issue of the effectiveness of organic fertilizers. At the same time the economic aspects of the efficacy of pig liquid organic fertilizer application are not investigated, so it has become the object of study. The objective of the article - to determine prognosis (approximate) indicators of economic efficiency (cost savings) of the use of liquid organic fertilizers of pig production on the example of crops such as corn, winter wheat. fertilizer organic maize wheat Statement of the main results of the study Research results show some differences in the potential economic efficacy of using organic fertilizer samples from different investigated pig farms, primarily due to varying their agronomic value. According to the economic department of the studied enterprise, the cost of organic fertilizers as of September 2015, depending on the farm ranges from 5 UAH/m3 to 7.5 UAH/m3. The cost price of organic fertilizers depending on the form and method of making ranges from 8 UAH/m3 to 18 UAH/m3. Thus, the cost (including the cost to application) of organic fertilizers depending on the farm and a way of application varies from 13 UAH/m3 to 25.5 UAH/m3. Given that the weight of 1 m3 of liquid manure is 950 kg [11, p. 122], the cost of organic fertilizers depending on farm varies from 5.27 UAH/t to 7.90 UAH/t. Accordingly, the cost of organic fertilizers and farm depending on the method of introduction ranges from 8.42 UAH/t to 18.95 UAH/t. Consequently, the cost (including the cost to make) of organic fertilizers depending on the method of ranges from 13.69 UAH/t to 26.85 UAH/t. In the future, for the calculating by the variant approach by the optimistic variant it is taken the manure costs 13.69 UAH/t, and by the pessimistic version - 26.85 UAH/t. The calculations show that the cost of 1 kg NPK (taking into account the costs of entering with the full assignment of all expenditures for nutrients, ie without subtracting costs of organic matter) contained in the samples of organic fertilizers from different farms varies according to the pessimistic version 4.13 UAH to 8.95 UAH, and the optimistic variant - from 2.11 UAH to 4.56 UAH (Table 1, 2). Thus, the sample from farm number 1 has the lowest estimated cost of 1 kg of NPK, and its highest level is observed in a sample from farm number 6. 1. Indicators of nutrient content and its cost in the samples of organic fertilizers from farms on fattening and growing pigs Indicators The actual content in the samples from farms on fattening farms on growing 1 3 8 2 Content in 1 t dry matter, kg: nitrogen 3.6 3.6 2.8 2.0 phosphorus 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 potassium 2.6 2.4 1.6 1.3 NPK 6.5 6.3 4.7 3.8 organic matter 10.2 11.4 7.8 6.0 Pessimistic option The cost of 1 kg of NPK, UAH 4.13 4.26 5.71 7.07 incl.: without cost on application 1.22 1.25 1.68 2.08 Optimistic option The cost of 1 kg of NPK, UAH 2.11 2.17 2,91 3.60 incl.: without cost on application 0.81 0.84 1,12 1.39 Source: Author’s calculations. Calculations showed because of the lower fertilizing reclamation value the samples of fertilizers from farms-reproducers and farms on growing because they contain very few solid, content of nutrients and organic matter is low, have a higher cost of nutrients than from farms on fattening and economic efficiency of their use is lower. By calculating the cost of nutrition elements, containing manure, from total costs to subtract the cost of organic matter of 25 %, which makes sense, according to E. V. Skrylnyk and other scientists [12], the cost of 1 kg NPK is lower in a percentage. Thus, on the basis of these data, we can make a preliminary conclusion about higher economic efficiency of organic fertilizer usage pig farm than mineral fertilizers because the value of their nutrients are lower than the cost of nutrient fertilizers, which depending on the brand of fertilizers and supplier during Janu- ary-September 2015 ranged from 18.70 to 33.83 UAH/kg [13], that was 4.5-8.2 times more than this cost. 2. Indicators of nutrient its content and cost in the samples of organic fertilizers from farms-reproducers of pig farm Indicators The actual content in samples from farm-reproducers 4 5 6 7 Content in 1 t of dry matter, kg: nitrogen 2.8 2.8 1.1 1.7 phosphorus 0.3 0.0 0.8 0.1 potassium 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.4 NPK 4.7 4.1 3.0 3.2 organic matter 5.1 4.4 4.5 4.2 Pessimistic o ption The cost of 1 kg of NPK, UAH 5.71 6.55 8.95 8.39 incl.: without cost on application 1.68 1.93 2.63 2.47 Optimistic option The cost of 1 kg o