Evolutionary and revolutionary ways of development of mankind. Most appreciable for mankind by stages of development of a civilization. The disclosing of secret of genome of the man. Recession in an economy and in morality in Russia. Decision of problems.
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Dynamics(changes) of development of mankind The candidate of economic sciences, academician Н.А. Лебедкин From ancient times till now there are two main ways of development of mankind: evolutionary and revolutionary. To each sane man it is clear, that the revolutionary way can not proceed constantly. The revolutionary way comes on change evolutionary in process of accumulation in a society(community) of new knowledge about a nature, and occurrence of the contradictions on this basis. Following(next) - the third stage was the invention of a wheel - at first as перекатывания of the cut down trees to the center, and then use them as a vehicle for delivery of other heavy subjects (stones killed large animals which have been tumbled down by a wind or cut down trees etc.), that has served to one of the main conditions of a structure of artificial dwellings in places constant or long обитания. In деревнях and other settlements in a countryside the population, as a rule, served itself independently. The following fifth stage was association of crafts in larger manufactures and has resulted in creation larger мануфактур and factory mass manufacture of commodity production intended, mainly, for sale to the population and other consumers, first of all to large trade specialized companies and separate merchants, that marked transition to next, namely sixth stage of development of world(global) community. The seventh stage of development of a civilization became the invention of machines and mechanisms about use of the heated up water as pair, when the Scottish engineer Джеймс Уатт has created suitable to use the steam engine becoming a basis of industrial revolution, as the development of communication(connection) and non-productive branches of a national economy - public health services, education, culture, science, sports (including professional), sphere of household service of the population has served by a powerful push to mass creation of steam machines both forced development of capacities and simultaneously mass outcome of peasantry in cities with the advanced network of industrial manufacture, and also construction iron and highways, metallurgical manufacture, creation of building industry specialized building organizations, industry of building materials, introduction of agricultural machines in agricultural sphere of activity,, Tourism and other directions of mass service of the population. The following stage, eighth under the account, was the invention of an electricity and use it(him) in industrial activity simultaneously with production and processing of mineral raw material. The invention nuclear and термоядерной of energy was new and powerful by tenth already under the account by a stage of the further development of a science, engineering and economy of a lot of the countries advanced in technical and public development.