Distinctive features of metaphor and simile in imagery of R.L. Stevenson - Реферат

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The concept, essence and the use of Juggernaut, the characteristics and the role of metaphor in the extracts. The presence of metaphors and similes in the work of Robert Louis Stevenson"s “Treasure Island”, the value of the use of stylistic devices.

Аннотация к работе
Distinctive features of metaphor and simile in imagery of R.L. Stevenson Taraz State Pedagogical Institute Dzholchibekova K.Zh., PhD of foreign languages. In this research work we try to illustrate the role of metaphor and simile in extracts. We stressed on imagery titled “Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde”, which was written by famous Scotland writer, the author of world adventure stories and novels, the biggest representative of English neoromantism, Robert Luis Stevenson. When we hear this name, we automatically imagine ourselves “Treasure Island”. In 1886 the book was published, in 1888 it was translated into Russian. The metaphors and similes are lavish in this book, however it is hard to find out these stylistic devices, because it was written in classical style. D.Davidson tried to systemize the interpretation in his article titled “The theory of metaphors” in 1990. B.V. Tomashevsky in her book “Stylistics and versification”, which was published in 1959, Ortony Andrew in his “The role of similarity
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