Cognitive basis of translation - Курсовая работа

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The process of translation, its main stages. Measuring success in translation, its principles. Importance of adequacy in translation, cognitive basis and linguistics. Aspects of cognition. Historical article and metaphors, especially their transfer.

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At this point the translator must have a wide knowledge in both languages for getting the equivalence in the target language, because the deficiency of the knowledge of both languages will result in a translation without logic and sense. Traditionally, translation has always been a human activity, although attempts have been made to automate and computerize the translation of natural language texts-machine translation-or to use computers as an aid to translation-computer-assisted translation. Translators can face problems which make the process even more difficult, such as: * Problems with the text: о The source text not being the final text, and being redrafted during the translation process о Illegible text о Misspelt text о Incomplete text о Poorly written text о Missing references in the text (e.g. the translator is to translate captions to missing photos) The problem often lies in failure to distinguish between translation and equivalent (word-usually one)give a short:Glossing is what a glossary does.glossing is decoding meaning and intent at the,as explained above translation.for each term encoding them in a-and then re (not the word level or even sentence level) text level ^irbm Words like saudade language are hard to gloss into a single other word, but given two or more words they can be perfectly adequately translated. The first is seeking a literal translation, sometimes known as formal equivalence, in which an attempt is made to translate using the words that correspond as exactly as possible in the two languages, allowing, of course, for the grammatical differences but without paying a great deal of attention to context.A comprehensive analysis of the tasks of language mediation can distinguish three basic stages: v The communicative function established between the speaker or writer (the first sender) of the source text or discourse and the mediator as first recipient. v The mental activity of the mediator processing the message received (either written or spoken). v The communicative function established between the mediator as second sender of the target text or discourse and the final recipients of the message. We have proposed, so far, an outline of a comprehensive theory of language mediation combining psychological work on comprehension with research approaches on translation and interpreting that stress the role of attention and memory capacity. Translation is a multidimensional and multifaceted process determined by the System and norm of two languages, the two cultures, the two communicative situations (the primary and the secondary), the referential situation, the functional parameters of the Source text and the translation norm. At last it can be concluded that linguistics and cognitive sciences both have importance of their own and we can’t say which one is better over the other because they are entirely different in application, but one can positively say that the combined study of these two can reveal some very interesting factors which can deepen our knowledge, understanding, usage and future prospects of a language. In translation, consequently, the translator ought to translate the communicative function of the Source Language text, rather than its signification.

It cannot be assumed that the cognitive processes of translation and interpreting (either consecutive or simultaneous) are identical to the cognitive processes involved in the tasks of speaking, listening, reading or writing. In fact, although this may seem mere repetition, these processes of language mediation are extremely complex, since they are not only linguistic processes. These processes must also be understood within their social, cultural and above all psychological contexts. A comprehensive analysis of the tasks of language mediation can distinguish three basic stages: v The communicative function established between the speaker or writer (the first sender) of the source text or discourse and the mediator as first recipient. v The mental activity of the mediator processing the message received (either written or spoken). v The communicative function established between the mediator as second sender of the target text or discourse and the final recipients of the message.

These three stages are understood to be common to both translation and interpreting. The first and the third cover the functional pragmatic aspect of mediating as a communicative social and cultural action, whilst the second covers the mental or cognitive processes. For the communicative function successfully to be fulfilled, an optimum implementation of these cognitive processes is of paramount importance.

Our main objective in presenting this paper is to outline a comprehensive theory of language mediation that fully specifies the component processes of translation and interpretation tasks.

The work presented here is a piece of interdisciplinary research endeavouring to bring together developments and experiences both in the field of cognitive psychology and in the field of translation and interpreting. Its main objective is to contribute to a better understanding of the cognitive processes implied in translating and interpreting. We have proposed, so far, an outline of a comprehensive theory of language mediation combining psychological work on comprehension with research approaches on translation and interpreting that stress the role of attention and memory capacity. Once a theory formulating the processes involved has been elaborated, including the different variables which affect each one of these processes, we propose a methodology of empirical research using the same methods that Cognitive Psychology has been using.

We believe that, despite so much criticism of the lack of ecological validity in this kind of methodology, it is precisely the diversity of experimental methods and the indicators of processes (dependent variables) that make it possible to study different aspects of these complex cognitive tasks objectively and rigorously. The validity of the results comes from the contrast and convergence of the data obtained with different methodologies. Our line of empirical research, started some years ago, is based on this general approach. Undoubtedly the immediate implications of our results must be their application to a more efficient training of future interpreters.

Translation is the main concept of the theory of translation.

Translation is a multidimensional and multifaceted process determined by the System and norm of two languages, the two cultures, the two communicative situations (the primary and the secondary), the referential situation, the functional parameters of the Source text and the translation norm.

The aim of translation is to provide such bilingual communication that on its opportunities will be closely connected to the natural, one lingual communication on the maximum level.

Cognitive basis of translation - a general type of connection or relationship; circumstances relevant to something under consideration; the environment surrounding a phenomenon that determines its meaning, similar to setting, background, frame and ground.

Cognition is referred to an immediate linguistic environment (rarely detached or isolated) in which a particular word occurs. Since it is not always explicit, it may be hidden within the neighboring members of a word used in a piece of text. If we cannot extract the information relevant to the meaning of a word from its immediate linguistic environment, we need to take into account the topic of discussion as a sphere of necessary information.

At last it can be concluded that linguistics and cognitive sciences both have importance of their own and we can’t say which one is better over the other because they are entirely different in application, but one can positively say that the combined study of these two can reveal some very interesting factors which can deepen our knowledge, understanding, usage and future prospects of a language. Cognitive linguistics (CL) refers to the branch of linguistics that interprets language in terms of the concepts, sometimes universal, sometimes specific to a particular tongue, which underlie its forms. It is thus closely associated with semantics but is distinct from psycholinguistics, which draws upon empirical findings from cognitive psychology in order to explain the mental processes that underlie the acquisition, storage, production and understanding of speech and writing.

Translation is understood as an act of carrying the meaning of a text from one language to another. This process involves interpretation of meaning of the source text and producing the same meaning in another language. Text however cannot exist out of context. By context what is meant is the entire environment in which the word or sentence is expressed or stated. So a translator has to go into the background of the text to understand the text. Thus translator first de-contextualizes the original text and re-contextualizes it for the target text. This forms a good contextualized translation. While seeking the context of a text there may be two categories of factors that may influence the meaning of the text- linguistic context or the situational context.

Language therefore should be considered a part of culture and understood in its context. Translator must be giving over the top stress to understand the context so as to produce a good contextualized translation.

Thus, separately taken correspondences are used in the translation with the greater or less regularity and knowing of this correspondences help the translator to decide how he/she will translate these combinations and by which ways.

The meaning of a given word or set of words is best understood as the contribution which word or phrase can make to the meaning or function of the whole sentence or linguistic utterance where that that word or phrase occurs. The meaning of a given word is governed not only by the external object or idea that particular word is supposed to refer to, but also by the use of that particular word or phrase in a particular sense, in a particular context, and to a particular effect.

In translation, consequently, the translator ought to translate the communicative function of the Source Language text, rather than its signification. A translator must, therefore, look for a target-language utterance that has an equivalent communicative function, regardless of its formal resemblance to original utterance as far as the formal structure is concerned. Conveying textual effect of the original is the final objective to which a translator aspires, "A text is a whole entity, to be translated as a whole ".


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