The history and legal significance of "de facto marriage" in Russia. The study of value-family relations in the cell of society. Consideration of the sociological methods of investigation of the phenomenon of civil marriage in the Russian society.
Аннотация к работе
Marriage - it is legally of the free and voluntary union of men and women, aimed at creating a family and the generates reciprocal rights and duties. Researches of a family, marriage, and birth rate are conducted in sociology, psychology, demography, ethnography and other social studies. Many of classics of sociology considered a family as a part of social structure, considering it as the factor of processes studied by them, but did not investigate marriage and family institutes purposefully. Studying of values and valuable orientations, including family and extrafamily, methods of their measurement, the factors influencing their formation, possible consequences of prevalence in a society of those or other values and valuable orientations concerns a number of the major directions of sociology, social psychology and philosophy. A.I.Antonov and V.A.Borisov" are devoted a problem of social measurement of values of a family, 25-year-old experience of such researches has been generalised in work "family Microsociology (methodology of research of structures and processes)" where features of application of methods of interrogation, supervision and the konteit-analysis to family studying, various methods of research of life cycle of a family, methods of sociological research of family behaviour have been in detail considered."De facto marriage" has entered into our life promptly and has taken roots so naturally as if it is a question of any technical novelty, and at all about the phenomenon mentioning the major public institute - a family. The concept "de facto marriage" has appeared in Russia in XIX century among a part of the advanced intelligency as alternative to church marriage which in consciousness of the majority of the population was is unique the lawful. After branch of church from the state unique legitimate marriage in Russia becomes official, state, i.e. de facto marriage. In essence "de facto marriage" in Russia is a cohabitation of the people, doing not wish to connect itself the matrimonial both parental rights and duties. Now in a modern society "de facto marriage" has got the certain legitimacy, with the given relations already to surprise nobody, moreover, many justify its existence.
De facto marriage
Degree of a readiness of a problem
Methods of measurement of family and extra family valuable orientations
Sociological methods as the tool of research of a phenomenon of a civil marriage in the Russian society
"De facto marriage" has entered into our life promptly and has taken roots so naturally as if it is a question of any technical novelty, and at all about the phenomenon mentioning the major public institute - a family. The concept "de facto marriage" has appeared in Russia in XIX century among a part of the advanced intelligency as alternative to church marriage which in consciousness of the majority of the population was is unique the lawful. After branch of church from the state unique legitimate marriage in Russia becomes official, state, i.e. de facto marriage. However the population part still began to name de facto marriage informal marriage relations. There was a phenomenon of Russian "de facto marriage". In essence "de facto marriage" in Russia is a cohabitation of the people, doing not wish to connect itself the matrimonial both parental rights and duties.
Now in a modern society "de facto marriage" has got the certain legitimacy, with the given relations already to surprise nobody, moreover, many justify its existence. Nevertheless, disputes concerning civil marriages do not cease also the relation to them far not the unequivocal.
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