Business process modeling - Контрольная работа

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Investigation of the subjective approach in optimization of real business process. Software development of subject-oriented business process management systems, their modeling and perfection. Implementing subject approach, analysis of practical results.

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It is a social node that occupies its personal place in the world, responds in its own fashion to the circumstances and multiple environmental factors, permanently changing the direction of development and characteristics of the activity. Consequently, the business process improvement became an integral part of complex efforts, performed by a company to keep itself remaining successful and advancing with the times. Accordingly, all processes within the organization depend on how the employees succeed, how the business is organized and how promptly and appropriately the management is held.However, the social aspect of this process is not described with appropriate attention, as most entrepreneurs and scientists adhere to the traditional opinion that the human factor can be simply identified and taken into consideration by an optimization executive. Thus, all the most relevant sources were used for the examination of other actual approaches to business optimization. Gharajedaghi, who reveals the essence of subjectivity in detail and systemically describes how social factor affects every facet of the organization activity. In the book “System thinking: managing chaos and complexity” he describes subject-oriented optimization approach, which is comprehensively explored in the considered academic paper. For complete understanding of the optimization approaches the project refers to the books and articles, written by V.The sphere of business process optimization is very complex and includes a large number of concepts and objects, which need to be clarified for complete understanding of the issue and its narrow aspects such as social one. Key terms that were used to describe the investigation and the main topic are presented by the following: ‘Enterprise’ is a term that must be defined very clearly within the draft and the graduation paper. In fact, this specification is preciously used within the subject-oriented approach, which will be considered in detail below. Today there are several classic approaches for organization activity interpreting, one of them is based on processes held by enterprise, so within it a business process is considered as a set of specific tasks, the execution of which leads to a certain result, ensuring achievement of the organizational objectives. ‘Optimization’ is “a search and determination of values or economic indicators, which could provide the optimum - the best state of the system; usually it corresponds to the process of obtaining the best result for a given cost or resource to elaborate the desired product with minimal resource expenses”.The graduation paper “Analysis of the Social Aspect of Improving Company’s Business Processes” contains description and comparative analysis of two optimization approaches that are widely accepted nowadays. The second one was born in circumstances of recent business and environment changes and was named subject-oriented in virtue of its comprehension of human natural experiences, capabilities of thinking and behavior in society as crucially influencing factors. These approaches presume different vectors to be responsible for positive improvement of organizational activities, aimed at achievement of the certain goals and at the same time acceptable to perform for each of the employees. Classical approach should be described as a viewpoint, according to which any system operates smoothly with the desired results only if there are precise factors of external control and customization applied. The subject-oriented approach declares an organization as a system, capable to adjust itself and adapt to the permanently changing conditions through the abilities and potential of its subjects.The graduation project “Analysis of the Social Aspect of Improving Company’s Business Processes” is devoted to the social aspects of business process optimization; herewith the main aim is analysis of the ‘subjectivity’ concept.The phenomenon of an organization and approaches to its activity improvement The subject-oriented approachOptimization of a business process by means of the information system Subject-oriented Business Process ManagementSubject-oriented Business Process Management system: opportunities and implementation Section 2 describes a case study of the subject approach application within optimization of a real business process. Optimization is performed by special software, Subject-oriented Business Process Management system, which allows process modeling and improving on the basis of the subject-oriented approach.Today the sphere of business process optimization is one of the leading areas and constantly generates new ideas and solutions, providing improvement in the entrepreneurship and many other human activities. Social aspect also plays a crucial role in the organizational enhancement, and this is the reason why the right choice of an approach to perceiving human factors is not only the most important component of the optimization, but also a way to


1. Literature review

2. Key Terms and Conceptions

3. Business process optimization approaches

4. The structure of the academic project


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