In anatomical and physiological aspect we can represent bronchopulmonary system as a combination of separate organs and functional subsystems, accordingly, in united functional system of organs of respiration of the person. Value and the function.
Аннотация к работе
In anatomical andphysiological aspect we can represent bronchopulmonary system as a combination of separate organs and functional subsystems, accordingly, in united functional system of organs of respiration of the person. So, the functional plan bronchopulmonary the system is formed by the inferior pneumatic ways, a transitive zone and gas exchange area. These ways are presented by a trachea, two primary bronchuses and bronchioles up to 16 generations. Transitive zone - respiratory bronchioles (17-19 generations), they have alveoli, air in them on a chemical compound is close to alveolar. The least structural element of a lung - a lobe consists of the final bronchiole leading in a pulmonary bronchiole and an alveolar bag.
Список литературы
1. "Основы Физиологии" под редакцией П. Стерки перевод с английского Н. Ю. Алексеенко.
2. Гребнев А.Л., Шептулин А.А. «Основы общего ухода за больными»