Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market - Дипломная работа

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Commercial banks as the main segment market economy. Principles and functions of commercial banks. Legal framework of commercial operation banks. The term "banking risks". Analysis of risks and methods of their regulation. Methods of risk management.

Аннотация к работе
Process of economic transformation began with the reform in banco tion system. For a long time, banks were public authorities and acted on d tion of "supporting structures" administrative-command system of economic management. Formation of the market and market infrastructure, new mechanisms mouth and updating of economic relations and the development of entrepreneurship and competition, increase the sovereignty of the republics require the development of the theory of economic risks, methods of assessment and management at all levels of management: the country, the national, regional, local, as well as at the level of each business unit, regardless of the type and form of prop t vennosti. Banks not only form of loan capital markets, securities, foreign exchange market, participate in the establishment and functioning of commodity exchanges and new x about tural structures, but essentially, are the sole owner of n e necessary information on the financial condition of enterprises and organizations, conjuncture commodity, loan, and currency markets, economic pos e SRI region, republic, country. This is all the more appropriate that at this stage there are plaques and enabling environment for the establishment and improvement of partnerships hozyays t sponding subjects with banks to strengthen their mutual responsibility and co n trol.In light of the current problems of the Russian economy, associated with e tion overcome the crisis and inflation n processes, increased inv e vestment and credit activities, cos e rshenstvovaniem organization of settlements in the economy and stabilize c iey national currency, accelerating the formation of e ciently function f n ioniruyuschey banking system capable mobiles and u uw financial resources and their concentration on priorities structure t urn per e construction economy has neocene e nimuyu practice t ich e Skuju stamp and bridges. If the bank in its de I t e tivity relies on getting quick and high returns on active operations, thereby it loses its liquidity, exposing themselves to the risk of becoming insolvent and vposl e dstvii possible bankrupt and then m Providing the same high level of its e th Liquidity ITY, bank, tend to lose profitability. On the one hand, the bank, as well as any direct e dpriyatie, created to meet the interests of the bank"s owners (shareholders or individual) and society n tion interests (clients - legal entities and individuals, TS w ivaemyh bank). Within the resources available to the banks he is free to conduct its active operations (subject to the established economic standards), that is, the volume of its active operations can not be limited to administrative, volitional methods. Work within really attracted resources, while ensuring the maintenance of its liquidity, commercial Th Bank for maybe only having to s high degree of economic freedom combined with a full economic tons of responsibility for the results of its activities s completely.Economic (commercial) risks - these are the risks caused ITATION unwholesome about pleasant changes in the economy of the bank or in the economy. The second option - just agreem ting between Bank and E to buy or sell a currency at a rate of "slot" and on p and tit deal in pre-agreed date (in the future) to determine the rate divided "slot." Unlike parallel loans swaps do not include payment of interest due; Some of rye banks account for all current operations at the current rate, and longterm - for historical mu, others analyze the level of risk of financial operations at the current rate, and the other - the historic and still others choose one of the two accounting methods and use it to control the totality of their risky op e radios. g) risks forfeiting that arise when forfeter (they often I wish to set up a bank) assumes all risks exporter without recourse. For warning Well tion risk for the formation of deposits banks must comply Cams optimal balance between passive and active mi deposit operations, ie contributions enterprises prises to the bank and deposits placed by banks in some others have gih banks, determine the size and liquidity attracted deposited securities to raise the level and quality of mobile, find it advisable tion s minimum ratio of equity and risky assets, and discharge methods Botha calculating the coefficients ent connectedness deposits taking into account features of the bank STAY and guide them when placing a deposit and comrade. Depending on the terms of granting loans are short-, medium-duty and on the urgent, the kinds of software - provide tained and unsecured, which in turn can be per sonalnymi and banking, the specifics of credit d um about ditch-banks SCIE, state, commercial (corporate), loans insurance panies and individuals konsortsionalnye (syndicated), which are structured to cells in bnye (where the number of creditors is limited Cheno) and open (uch a part in it. can accept any bank or business) from species d e inhibitors


Chapter 1. Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market.

1.1 Commercial banks as the main segment market economy

1.2 Principles and functions of commercial banks

1.3 Legal framework of commercial operation banks

Chapter 2. Banking risks and methods for their control

2.1 The term "banking risks."

2.2 Main types of banking risks.

2.3 Methods of risk management.

Chapter 3. Analysis of banking risks and methods of their regulation (on the mat e rials local bank.)



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