Banking services in Russia: theory and fact - Реферат

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Restrictions of bank operations for the private sector, extension for the companies. An assessment of activity of the Russian banks in practice: theory and reality. Bank regulatory rules. Operations of placement of money of clients in bank on the deposit.

Аннотация к работе
Extended essay Banking services in Russia: theory and fact Economics Abstract The topic of my essay is the banking system of Russia. The situation in Russia nowadays, due to the historic and unprecedented changes occurring in this country, is one of the most interesting fields of analysis and research. While studying the materials on the banking system in Russia I came across many deviations from the well-established standards of the banking system in Europe and some facts showing that in real life banks in Russia do not follow laws and regulations. So in my research I try to answer two questions. Is the banking system in Russia fully developed? Bank services in Russia: theory and fact. Do they differ? In order to answer the first question I compared the European banking system to the current banking system in Russia as it is regulated by laws and by governmental acts and decisions. In order to answer the second question I analyzed the information I received while studying the activity of the ‘’Incombank’’ br
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