Application of recombinant DNA technology in biotechnology - Реферат

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Biotechnology as genetic engineering, which uses research on DNA for practical use. Biotechnology Tools. Application of recombinant DNA technology: pharmaceuticals, vaccines, diagnostic testing, gene therapy. DNA fingerprinting, DNA and agriculture.

Аннотация к работе
Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University “Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology” higher school “Biotechnology” chair For students of speciality: - 5B070100 - Biotechnology Theme: Application of recombinant DNA technology in biotechnology Mamitova A.Zh. Shymkent, 2015 Composers: ХТ -12 - 5а Bigaraeva A., Amangeldieva D., Nuriddin A. Methodical instruction was composed with requirement of Educational plan and Curriculum of discipline Preventive health biotechnology and include all nessesary information. For students of speciality: - 5B070100 - Biotechnology © South-Kazakhstan State University named AFTER M.O. Auezov, 2015. Plan Introduction 1. Main 1.1 Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology 1.2 How is Recombinant DNA made? 1.3 Why is rDNA important? 1.4 Applications of recombinant DNA technology 2. Problem for the case study 2.1 Test questions 2.2 Crossword 2.3 Glossary Conclusion References Introduction The Basics of Recombinant DNA Thats a very go
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