Defining the role of the microscope in studies of the structure of nanomaterials. Familiarization with the technology of micromechanical modeling. The use of titanium for studying the properties of electrons. Consideration of the benefits of TEAM project.
Аннотация к работе
The electron microscope was developed using electrons accelerating in the speed of light [2]. They used electrons from а saturated beam to go through electromagnetic lenses being able to resolve angstrom thick of material [1,2]. This capability of the electron microscopes made it possible to resolve from the micron level (thousandth of а meter), nano level (millionth of а meter) to sub angstrom (less than ten millionth of а meter). Another limitation of electron microscopes, chromatic aberration, is being resolved with the TEAM (Transmission Electron-Aberration corrected Microscope) project of the national electron microscopy labs here in the US. These were the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), STEM(Scanning Tunneling Microscope), SPM (Scanning Probe Microscope) and AFM (Atomic Force Microscope).The correctors for spherical aberrations indeed improved the resolving power of electron microscopes as shown by the capabilities of the FEI’s Titan.
The correctors for spherical aberrations indeed improved the resolving power of electron microscopes as shown by the capabilities of the FEI’s Titan. The role of microscopy in characterization of nanomaterials is very important with the different studies reviewed that utilized such technique and tools. With the TEAM project of the national electron microscopy labs, more improvements and innovations are expected in the future not only in the equipment but the methods of studies as well.
Список литературы
1. M.T. Postek, K.S. Howard, А.H. Johnson, and K.L. MCMICHAEL, Scanning Electron Microscopy,( Ladd Research Industries. Williston, Vermont, 1980), pp. 1-11.
2. J.J Bozzola and L.D Russell, Electron Microscopy: Principles and Techniques for Biologists, 2nd Edition, (Jones and Barlett Publishers, Sudbury, Massachusetts, U.S.А., 1999), pp. 1-17
3. C. Mao, "Nanomaterials Characterization Using Microscopy", Microscopy Research and Technique, 64, pp. 345-346, (2004).
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6. Е. Brown, (2004) TEAM designs world"s highest resolution microscope [Online] Availble at (Accessed February 13, 2004).
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10. M.C. Hersam, M.Е Greene, C.R. Kinser, D.Е. Kramer and L.S.C. Pingree, "Application of Scanning Probe Microscopy to the Characteriazation and Fabrication of Hybrid Nanomaterials", Microscopy Research and Technique, 64, pp. 415-434, (2004).
11. FEI Company: FEI Titan TEM [Online] Available at (Accessed February 12, 2004).