Agrarian relations and land rent - Курсовая работа

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The essence of agrarian relations: economic structure and specificity. The land rent, land price as a capitalized rent. History of the formation of agricultural sector of Ukraine, its reforms. Assessment of the investment attractiveness of AIC of Ukraine.

Аннотация к работе
Ukraines transition to a market economy requires in the agroindustrial complex development of new approaches to agricultural policy aimed at forming food security, priority development of agriculture, a radical restructuring of economic, social and legal relations in agriculture, freedom of entrepreneurship and competition. Therefore, investments in agriculture must first be used for conservation lands, improving soil fertility, which should cause agricultural productivity growth and, in particular, the establishment of sustainable animal fodder base. Actuality of theme caused by importance and priority of agriculture in todays socioeconomic development at the global level as well as in Ukraine and transformation processes in the national economy, the need to reform the national economy.Some scientists believe that the essence of agrarian relations is determined exclusively by the land owning, since this form of the property is land rent, the agrarian relations are reduced to a rent relations connected with the land [2]. Some economists believe that agrarian relations should be seen in broad and narrow sense. In the first case, agrarian relations identified with system of land relations in agriculture and other sectors of agriculture; in the second case, agrarian relations identified with land relations . Thus, the context of land relations comprises a wide range of issues which have both an economic and legislative character. Among them the following can be emphasized: Privatization of land; definition of land share borders for each member of the collective farm; development of a stable economy based on cooperation between collective organisation of work and private property on land and other means of production; promotion of private interests in efficient agricultural production; development of land trade, etc.Differential rent, under capitalism, is additional profit which arises as the result of the expenditure of labor on the average and better portions of land or as a result of increasing productivity of supplementary capital investments and which is appropriated by the landowner; one of the forms of land rent generated by the monopoly in land as a factor of the capitalist economy. Its source is the amount by which surplus value created by the labor of hired agricultural laborers exceeds average profit; this surplus arises as a result of higher productivity of labor on comparatively superior plots of land (more fertile land, lands closer to the place of sale, or lands in which additional capital has been invested). The individual production price of a unit of agricultural produce that comes from a better portion of land turns out to be lower, because with other conditions being equal the labor applied to more fertile soil is more productive and because expenditures for the delivery of agricultural goods to the market are lower for lands situated relatively closer to the market. Capitalist farmers operating on the better and average lands sell their produce at market prices and receive additional profits, which, on the basis of the rights of property in land, are appropriated by the landowner (regardless of whether the owner is a private individual or a capitalist state) in the form of differential rents. Since comparatively poorer lands must also be brought into agricultural circulation in order to increase overall production and satisfy social demand, it is essential that planned pricing take into account the compensation of expenditures and the receipt of the necessary profits by farms using such lands; otherwise the profit-based incentives to cultivate these lands would be undermined.The agricultural sector is one of the most important fields of material production, where are created a material goods of plant and animal origin to provide people with food, and industry with raw materials. The legislation in which the reforms were introduced included the ukase ‘Concerning the Fulfillment of Certain Existing Laws on Rural Land Ownership and Land Use’ (22 November 1906) and a law passed by the State Duma on 27 June 1910. All peasants were given the right to leave such communes along with the lands apportioned to them. Peasants also gained the right to demand that their allotments be consolidated into an integrated landholding, which could be farmed as a khutir (if the household were settled on the property) or a vidrub (if the household remained in a village). Poor and some middle-income peasants could not buy land because of high prices (400 to 700 rubles per desiatin in Right-Bank Ukraine) and were not given credit by the Peasant Land Bank.Investment is the investment of cash, property and intellectual property in business and other activities for profit or achieving social effect. Cost of investment in Ukraines farmlands is the lowest in Europe while it provides the highest return potential given the high soil fertility and unrealized agri-ecological potential of Ukraines soils. Investment in the ind



1.1 The essence of agrarian relations: economic structure and specificity

1.2 The land rent, land price as a capitalized rent

1.3 History of the formation of agricultural sector of Ukraine, its reforms


2.1 Assessment of the investment attractiveness of AIC of Ukraine

2.2 The present state of the agricultural sector of Ukraine


3.1 Agrarian reform in Ukraine: the present status and current tendencies

3.2 Problem of improving the investment climate in the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy




The instability of agricultural production, inconsistency and indecisiveness of executive bodies in the process of agricultural reforms led to a deep crisis in national agriculture.

In conditions of social andeconomic restructuring of agriculture of Ukraine, integration to various political, social, economic, technical and other associations and organizations significantly important improvement of state management of some of its subcomplexes, directed to their establishment, functioning and economic development.

The main goals of restructuring of agriculture are: implementation of agrarian reform, the development of various forms of ownership and management, improvement of the sectoral structure of agriculture, the priority development of processing industry of agricultural raw materials, creation of small businesses in rural areas to solve the problem of rural employment.

The main foundation of reforms in the agricultural sector is the implementation of land reform. Land reform aims to create conditions for equal development of different forms of management, rational use and protection of land.

Today the national economy of Ukraine is in a difficult situation. On the one hand, we must transform our economy from command to market, on the other. On the other, external factors influence us, such as integration into the world global economy, which is lifesaving for us.

In this difficult period of stabilization raises the task to stabilize the national economy, including agriculture. This requires, first of all, to stabilize agricultural production, creation of a modern base for processing and storage of agricultural products.

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