Advertising in our life - Реферат

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The role of advertising in the modern life of each person. Purpose and function of advertising, which is part of the communication activities of the company. The results of a poll of city residents relations to advertising, factors of its effectiveness.

Аннотация к работе
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Уральский государственный экономический университет Кафедра иностранных языков advertising communication poll Реферат «Advertising in our life» Исполнитель: студент II курса очного факультета Токарев Д.С. Преподаватель: Яровикова Ю.О. Introduction It is impossible to imagine our television, newspapers, radio, Internet and even streets without advertisements. Nowadays advertising plays an important role in modern life and in the life of every person. We can’t imagine our life without advertising because every day we hear or see advertising, we try to find information we need in hundreds of advertisements. Even when we go for a walk or just shopping we see a lot of different advertisements in the streets. I think that “Advertising” is a very interesting topic, because in the XXI century every minute of our life is connected with advertising. It is hard to believe but the origins of advertising antedate the Christian era by many centuries. One of the first kn
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