Accumulation Pension Funds: condition and development - Курсовая работа

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Theoretical aspects of accumulation pension system. Analysis of current status and development of accumulative pension system in Kazakhstan. Ways to improve the pension system and enhancing its social significance accumulative pension fund provision.

Аннотация к работе
Ways to improve the pension system and enhancing its social significance accumulative pension fund provisionThe list of literaturePension provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a leader in the social protection system, and affects the interests of more than 1.6 million pensioners and about eight million members funded pension system. Its qualitative and quantitative characteristics indicate the level of social, economic, legal and cultural development of society. Kazakhstan Government get the task to strengthen the social orientation by reforms, which strengthening its efforts to reduce unemployment and poverty, creation of conditions for the implementation of the labor potential, timely payment of wages, pensions, and social assistance to the poor. In the message of President of Kazakhstan to the people: “Strategy of entering Kazakhstan to the number of 50 most competitive countries in the world” from 1st March, 2006 Nazarbaev noticed that "... we are building a socially oriented society ...". "This Act establishes the legal and social aspects of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulates the participation of government bodies, individuals and legal entities, independent from forms of ownership, in the realization of the constitutional right to a pension."Multilevel model of functioning of pension is calculated on the whole population of Kazakhstan. The first level is the solidary pension system inherited by Kazakhstan from the Soviet Union after its collapse and based on "intergenerational solidarity", in which the pension becomes a source of State budget with tax deductions of working population and other revenues. Kazakhstan model of pension system is based on the following principles: · providing investors and recipients the right to choose the Pension Fund; · state regulation of participants of pension systems (pension funds (NPF), custodian banks and organizations engaged in investment management of pension assets (NIN)), including: licensing and prudential regulation of SPC, NIN, banks, custodians, monitors their activities through financial and statistical reports, as well as annual audit annual financial reports; the introduction of mandatory requirements for the management and diversification of pension assets; In addition, during the transition to a funded pension system assumes obligations towards the citizens of the State, which had worked prior to the commencement of the pension reform, and guarantees held eligible for pensions to retirees and their resulting size of the State Center of pensions payment, taking into account the level of inflation.Modern Kazakhstan pension system begins the countdown to 1997, when the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the concept of the reform of the pension system in the country, and of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted the law "on provision of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan». Rising unemployment and the spread of casual and part-time work have led to adverse shifts in the labour market, which became part of the population from the mandatory pension scheme, whose contributions have been the source for the financial basis of solidary pension system. In order to reduce the projected growth and excessive increase of the pension burden on the working population, prevention of deterioration of the living standards of both working and retired people, ensure uninterrupted payment of pensions in the future, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an alternative solution to the overdue reform of the pension system was conducted. Main stages of development of accumulative pension system: 1997-developed and approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan the concept of reforming the pension system in the Republic of Kazakhstan: · shall enter into force the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on provision of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan"; 2006-a single stocking Center in order to optimize the payments to the pension system, "of the State Center of pensions payment: · installed extrajudicial liability of pension funds and organizations engaged in investment management of pension assets, keeping nominal yield savings of depositors;Placing information on the funded pension scheme on the site of the authorized body, and also funds the publication of information in the mass media, allows depositors (recipients) to choose and use the Fund provided pensions legislation to transfer retirement savings from one fund to another. The majority of the working population does not have even a clue about the need for retirement savings, because of some negative aspects, such as the questionable activities of valut-Tranzit Bank "has had an impact on almost universal agreement that any organization that accepts deposits, does not guarantee the safety of these deposits. One method to address some of the problems outlined above could be the introduction of the so called "


Chapter 1.Theoretical aspects of accumulation pension system: 1.1 Economic essence of pensions.

1.2 Stages of formation of accumulative pension system in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chapter 2.Analysis of current status and development of accumulative pension system in Kazakhstan

2.1 Structure of accumulation pension system

2.2 Pension saving depositors

The list of literature
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